Electra Rex

Full disclosure, this is my book, and thus not a review, but just me talking about my latest project. Fun story about this book: I sold it twice and very quickly both times. Another fun fact: it started out as a NaNoWriMo book! I sold this book the first time to Less Than 3 Press --a small, indie press in North Carolina that boasted lesbian/sapphic books and stories with only happy endings. It took three weeks to get the thumbs up from them, which was by far the fastest I've sold a book. It went through edits, proofs, and even got a cover mockup before Less Than 3 folded after a decade in business. Woops. I got the rights back a couple months later, tried to cope with my disappointment, and then submitted it again to Pride Publishing , part of the Totally Entwined Group, and this time the book sold in less than a week. I have to give a lot of credit to the editor I worked with at Less Than 3 for making the book much, much better--you rock, James! I have no doubt going through the...