April-ism Index

April-ism Index

because who talks like this? 


Ethan Zuko:  a lesbian character that could easily be replaced by Ethan Hawke from any mid 90s movie role and/or Danny Zuko from Grease and the movie or TV show would be functionally unchanged. An Ethan Zuko is basically what a teenage boy thinks is the coolest thing to be. They typically don't care about anything, but are super into telling everyone they don't care, they wear a lot of black (often the same clothes/underwear waaaaay too often), they'll have a ride that would be considered super cool by a 16-year-old boy trying to get his license, random tattoos of varying importance, a mop of hair that they care a lot about but don't want to be seen caring about, and a "too cool for school" attitude that extends to at least one part, but often many parts, of their life. They're the basic bitch of bad boys and they were fucked out a long ass time ago.


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