
Showing posts from October, 2017

Knights of the Old Republic #TBT

Knights of the Old Republic #TBT Game I'm going all the way back to 2003 for this one. The woman on woman content, but it was a step in gaming and an important one. The first, and most of the attempts afterward, toward LGBT representations in Triple A gaming was made by Bioware. They jumped in fully with Jade Empire and then decided same sex relationships were worth regular inclusion in the Dragon Age and Mass Effect franchises. The fact that there are way more LGBT characters in Star Wars video games than in the movies is irritating. How many more? Infinity percent more since there are some in the games and none in the movies. But that's a rant for later. The gameplay is fun, not quite turn based strategy, although you can turn that feature on if you'd like, but it's also not a true real-time action game. In traditional RPG fashion, you kill monsters, complete quests, gain experience, upgrade stats, gain new skills, and improve gear. There'

Karen Memory

Karen Memory by Elizabeth Bear Book **Disclaimer: I've said it before and I'll say it again, I'm not a book blogger. That particular job requires a lot more work and dedication to a specific media than I'm willing to do. So please, please, please, please direct review requests to the actual book bloggers, which is not me.** I'm a reader and I'll do what I call reviewing on the things I've read if they match the blog's stated purpose of guiding women who love women to content that matches that description, and Karen Memory fits! Full disclosure, I am into steampunk, and I am part of a prestigious steampunk writing lineage, so I do have some clout in the genre based on who I was trained by, but also a built in bias for the genre . While you're all in awe, or confused and wondering who taught me to write, I'm going to proceed to lavish a fair amount of praise on this book. The story follows Karen Memery (not a typo--the charact

Choices: Stories You Play

  Choices: Stories You Play Tablet/Phone Game from Pixelberry Studios If you're Gen-X you'll probably remember the joy of Choose Your Own Adventure books. They were short, fun, and gave you a strange sense of license over reading, which is normally a passive experience. Sure, most of the choices led to grisly deaths, but that just meant I got to use TWO bookmarks like holding an old save game file back in case of emergency. I've always loved collecting and using bookmarks. Total win-win. Choices is one of roughly a billion apps trying to recreate the experience of a Choose Your Own Adventure book. There are Episodes and Chapters and Experiences and...I'm really not going to play and review all of them, mostly because that would take time out of playing Choices. Emily, coming in hot! Let's talk gameplay! ...yeah, there isn't much, but who cares? It's a reading game. There are a few timed thingies, memory tests, and matching, but these

Below Her Mouth

Below Her Mouth (2016)  Movie I'm not going to full on review or rate this movie since I didn't finish it. I guess that would make the rating:   As for why I didn't finish it...I don't like Ethan Zuko characters. If that name doesn't mean anything to you, that's okay, it shouldn't... yet . It's my own term that I use for a lesbian character that could easily be replaced by Ethan Hawke from any mid 90s movie role and/or Danny Zuko from Grease and the movie or TV show would be functionally unchanged, thus, an Ethan Zuko. An Ethan Zuko is basically what a teenage boy thinks is the coolest thing to be. They typically don't care about anything, but are super into telling everyone they don't care, they wear a lot of black (often the same clothes/underwear waaaaay too often), they'll have a ride that would be considered super cool by a 16-year-old boy trying to get his license, random tattoos of varying importance, a mop of hair th

Imagine Me & You #TBT

Imagine Me & You (#TBT) 2005   I'm going to admit my fangirl joy over this movie. I'll admit it's fluff, stars two gay-for-pay actresses, it's directed by a man, but I don't care, because it's classic romantic comedy in the Billy Wilder mold and that's something fun and enjoyable. Women are the primary consumers of romantic comedies so shouldn't there be great romantic comedies for women who like women? Or even mediocre ones? Does every movie have to push some envelope somewhere? To answer in order: hell yes!/ if we can't get the great ones / Michael Bay wouldn't have a job otherwise If you haven't seen the movie and don't want anything spoiled. Stop now, watch the trailer if you're not sold, and then go enjoy the film. Let's talk cast... The Ladies: Piper Perabo (Rachel) + Lena Headey (Luce)--this is really where all the magic happens. There's some other stuff with the parents and the friends and random